Medical conditions related to the ear can be as simple as impacted ear wax or as serious as congenital hearing loss. The ear is also where hearing and balance are controlled.
Dr. Webster will apply his extensive clinical training and experience to conduct a thorough assessment and exam in order to accurately diagnose and treat your or your child’s condition.
Conditions We Treat:
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Earaches
- Ear infections
- Swimmer’s ear
- Middle ear problems
- Eustachian tube dysfunction
- Ear wax impactions
- Ruptured eardrum
- Cholesteatoma
- Autoimmune inner ear disease
- Severe hearing loss
- Dizziness
- Vertigo
- Meniere’s disease
- Transcanal exostosis (Surfer’s ear)

Treatments include:
Cochlear implant Surgery
Surgical implantation of a small electronic device that electrically simulates the cochlear nerve, which sends sound information to the brain to produce a hearing sensation. A cochlear implant may help someone with severe hearing loss restore or improve the ability to hear and understand speech.
Surgical procedure of the middle ear performed in order to improve hearing.
Tympanoplasty (Ear Drum Repair)
Surgical procedure to repair a perforated eardrum (hole in the eardrum) of a child that doesn’t close on its own.
Pressure equalization tubes (Ear tubes)
Placement of pressure equalization tubes is achieved by making a small incision in the eardrum and placement of a special tube in the area of the incision. This allows drainage of any fluid that may build up behind the eardrum and also equalizes pressure across the eardrum. Tubes generally last about one year before falling out. More information about ear tubes
Earwax removal
Removal of earwax is a procedure performed in our office using a microscope, special ear instruments, and microsuction to remove excessive ear wax that can cause hearing loss, discomfort or ear fullness. The procedure is well tolerated and performed on the same day as your office visit. More information about earwax and ear care
Tympanoplasty is an outpatient surgery using a microscope to rebuild the eardrum and sometimes replace the ear bones. This procedure is performed to fix a hole in the ear drum and restore certain types of hearing loss. Recovery is usually a few days to a week. More information about perforated eardrums and tympanoplasty
Osteotome Technique for Removal of Symptomatic Ear Canal Exostoses
This procedure uses a “chisel technique” to remove ear canal exostoses, which is a common condition for surfers (sometimes referred to as “surfer’s ear”). This technique is less invasive compared to the use of a drill, with less risk of inner ear damage and the avoidance of the noise generated by drilling. Dr. Webster was personally trained by Dr. Douglas G. Hetzler, the inventor of this innovative technique.