The facelift is a cosmetic procedure that can remarkably improve the appearance of the face and treat the effects of aging. The operation, which is more appropriately called a lower face lift and neck lift, is designed to restore a sagging jaw-line, blunted neck, and falling cheeks. The goal of a facelift should be to restore a more youthful appearance rather than change the appearance of your face. The result should appear natural. As a plastic surgeon dedicated to the face, Dr. Webster performs the most advanced types of facelifts to achieve the desired results. He will carefully evaluate your specific aging issues to determine the most effective way to rejuvenate your facial features. This will produce a natural long lasting result.
You may be a good candidate for a facelift if you are dissatisfied with the appearance of your lower face, especially with regard to the appearance of jowls, loss of muscle tone in the lower face, laxity of the lower cheeks and neck, and deepened facial creases extending along the nose and near the corners of the mouth.
There are many approaches to face and neck rejuvenation surgery. Generally, a modern facelift includes elevating and tightening the deeper layers of the face and then repositioning and removing redundant skin along the cheeks, jawline and neck. Incisions are hidden in the hair-bearing scalp, around the ear, and under the chin.
Dr. Webster’s approach to facelift surgery is individualized to each patients concerns and aging changes. A thorough evaluation is made during the consultative process to design the most effective treatment. In patients with early aging effects a more limited or less invasive approach may be appropriate. In patients with more advanced facial aging, a more extensive approach is required to give the long lasting results patient’s desire.
The procedure is performed in an accredited ambulatory surgical center at North Bend Medical Center and typically takes between 3-5 hours to perform
Complementary Procedures
Quick and minimal surgical procedures tend to yield minimal results. Additional procedures including liposuction may be required to give optimal results. Liposuction and fat sculpting of the area underneath the chin is often performed during a facelift. Facial volume is diminished during the aging process. Transferring fat, also called fat grafting may also be performed at the same time as facelift surgery. This technique uses your own living fat cells from another area of your body to carefully fill and contour the face in order to restore its youthful look and volume.
After the surgery you will recover from 1-3 hours in our excellent post procedure recovery unit. Each patient is given detailed post procedure instructions as well as appropriate pain medications.
Recovery from an extensive facelift typically takes between 2-3 weeks. Facial swelling and bruising is to be expected after the surgery. The amount is dependent upon the extent of the procedure and individual variables. The use of cold compressions will help minimize both the swelling and bruising. In some cases, a drainage tube may be inserted during the surgery. This is removed typically between 1-3 days after surgery. All external sutures and staples are removed within 5-10 days, depending upon location. Typically patients can return to work after 2-3 weeks. Patients must arrange for post-surgery support from family or friends. Scars slowly diminish in appearance over several weeks to months. The locations of the incisions are well hidden making them difficult to notice even during the initial recovery time