Fat Transfer
As we age or lose weight our face loses elasticity and volume. This creates areas of droopiness, sagging, wrinkles or a hollowed appearance such as in the cheeks. With time, the face gradually loses fatty tissue also causing loss of volume adding to an overall appearance of less firm skin.
Fat transfer is a method used to treat these facial changes in both men and women achieving a more youthful, tightened and rejuvenated look that is natural in appearance. Fat transfer can also be used to correct facial deformities.
You may be a good candidate for Fat Transfer if you are experiencing facial volume loss, or the diminishment of softness which characterizes a youthful face. You may also consider fat transfer if you are concerned about hollowing around the eyes which may include the development of apparent dark circles underneath the eyes.
Furthermore, individuals who have been treated successfully with temporary dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse, or Belotero but who would like a potentially more permanent solution may be good candidates for Fat Transfer.
Step 1) Fat Removal
The fat transfer procedure begins by harvesting fat through liposuction from you own body from regions such as the thighs, hips or tummy where there is excess fatty tissue. A very small cannula (thin tube) is inserted by means of tiny skin punctures and a small amount of this fatty tissue is removed
Step 2) Isolating Fat Cells
Once an adequate amount of fat has been collected, it is spun at a very high speed in a centrifuge to separate the fat cells from the liquid that is also removed by the liposuction. The damaged fat cells are removed. Only whole, undamaged, and cleansed fat cells are then used for the fat transfer
Step 3) Re-Injection of the Fat
The fat transfer procedure is completed by injecting the fat cells into the target site(s) on your face. Dr. Webster will inject the harvested fatty tissue into the face restoring loss of volume and firming the facial areas affected by loss of elasticity.
Complementary Procedures
Fat transfer is typically performed at the same time and in conjunction with a facelift and/or neck lift as part of a comprehensive rejuvenation strategy for the face.In addition, skin resurfacing procedures can be performed at the same time to improve skin surface changes.
Once your fat transfer is complete, you may have some slight swelling and/or bruising at the donor site or the target site(s) on your face. The swelling can be expected to go away in a few days, and any discomfort you feel can be controlled with pain medication. As with all medical procedures, you should follow all postoperative instructions from your surgeon. Many patients return to their normal daily activities within hours or a day or two of the fat transfer procedure.
You can expect fat transfer results that are immediately apparent or that will be clear after any swelling has receded. A significant benefit of this technique is that the results generally last much longer than the results of other dermal fillers such as collagen injections, and Juvéderm. Individual fat transfer results definitely vary, but with a properly performed procedure, the results may last for years, or even permanently